Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 8: Falcosidekick + Flux v2
This blog post is part of a series of articles about how to create a
response engine withFalco
and aFaaS
.See other posts:
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 1 : Falcosidekick + Kubeless
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 2 : Falcosidekick + OpenFaas
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 3 : Falcosidekick + Knative
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 4 : Falcosidekick + Tekton
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 5 : Falcosidekick + Argo
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 6 : Falcosidekick + Cloud Run
- Kubernetes Response Engine, Part 7 : Falcosidekick + Cloud Functions
Today, we will set up another KRE (Kubernetes Response Engine) based on Flux (version 2)
. If you don't know about Flux (version 2)
, let me explain it in a few words. Flux (version 2)
is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with configuration sources (such as Git repositories) and automating updates to the configuration when new code is available to deploy.
To learn more about Flux (version 2)
, see Flux Documentation.
Flux (version 2)
might look like a GitOps tool. It is, in reality, another GitOps tool in that it watches Github repositories for configuration changes and keeps the current state and the desired state always in sync. It does that on top of Kubernetes by using a bunch of CRs (Custom Resources). However, unlike Knative Eventing, Tekton Triggers, and Argo Events, Flux (version 2)
does not support an eventing system to forward events from one point to another.
To set up KRE with Flux (version 2)
, we will create a small project that listens to events and updates the GitHub repository, which Flux (version 2)
monitors to alter the desired state. For example, get the event of a pwned pod, then change its replicas to zero within the deployment YAML file.
The reference architecture given below illustrates the content of this blog.
Table of Contents
- minikube v1.21.0
- helm v3.6.2+gee407bd
- kubectl v1.21.1
- ko v0.8.3
- flux v0.16.0
- gcloud v347.0.0
Provision local Kubernetes Cluster
Install Flux V2 - GitOps Toolkit
I highly recommended that you check out getting started page of Flux (version 2)
. It gives you detailed installation instructions for Flux (version 2)
For Flux (version 2)
to create a GitHub repository for its resources, we must define the token and username information. Then, Flux (version 2)
installed in a GitOps way, and Flux (version 2)
will push its manifest to the repository.
Once the necessary environment variables are defined, we can install Flux (version 2)
. The following command will create and push its manifests to the repository, then install Flux components.
After the installation is complete, the next step is creating the alpine GitRepository and Kustomization CRD's (Custom Resource Definitions). For more information, see components.
Apply the CRD files as follows:
Alternatively, we can use the Flux CLI.
To create GitRepository
To create Kustomization
Install falco-event-listener
As the name suggests, this program will listen to an event in the form of CloudEvents.
This CloudEvents forwarded from Falcosidekick, a simple daemon for enhancing available outputs for Falco. After the successful receipt of the event, falco-event-listener
will update the YAML definition to scale its replicas to zero based on the pieces of information given in the event.
In most basic form, the architecture of the demo is:
Falco w/HTTP --> Falcosidekick w/CloudEvent --> falco-event-listener w/HTTP --> GitHub
To learn more about CloudEvents
, see cloudevents.io.
First, let us clone the falco-event-listener
Before installing this project, we have to do a couple of things.
- We have to create a GitHub PAT (Personal Access Token) to be able to update the desired state configurations which are in the GitHub repository after we detect a malicious behavior related to our pod has detected.
As you can see in the above arguments, we should pass GITHUB_TOKEN
as an argument to our CLI application. The best option is storing GITHUB_TOKEN
in a Kubernetes Secret and using Secret as environment variables.
- You might notice that we are using some URLs (--notify-url) within the flags of the project. Let me explain that why we need it a bit. As you might know, we are trying to set up some remediation engine here, so we have to react to those events thrown by the Falcosidekick as soon as possible. We defined an interval while creating a
which means thatFlux (version 2)
will wait at least that long to sync configurations, so we have to notifyFlux (version 2)
controllers about changes once we edited the desired state by a process whose name isfalco-event-listener.
To notify theFlux (version 2)
controllers about changes in Git or Helm repositories, we can set up webhooks and trigger a cluster reconciliation every time a source changes. For more detail, please see.
There are different kinds of webhook receivers in Flux (version 2)
, but we'll use the generic
one in this guide.
Let us to create a Receiver
, to do that we have to a couple of things again:
This program is basically a CLI application and it uses the following arguments as:
Let us run our project on the Kubernetes cluster. To do that, we'll be using the ko tool.
created by Google, is a simple, fast container image builder for Go applications. For more information, see the official repository of the project.
We'll use Container Registry
as an image repository service provided by the Google Cloud to store, manage, and secure our container images. Alternatively, we could also use DockerHub,
and so on.
If you are using a private container registry, don't forget to create a registry secret to pull and push images. You can follow the following guide to achieve this:
If everything works as expected, we should see an output as given below:
The last step we have to do is installing Falco
and Falcosidekick
with configuring Falcodekick
to forward events to our application.
Installing Falco and Falcosidekick
For an up-to-date and detailed guide to installing Falco and Falcosidekick, see falcosidekick).
Let us enable CloudEvents
support of Falcosidekick.
Verify that everything is working as expected:
To test this, we have to connect a shell within the container.
Let's list the pods that we already have.
Now, run the following command to connect a shell.
Once you run the command above, Falco
will detect that malicious behavior and send it to the Falcosidekick via HTTP.
You should see an output in the Falco
logs as given below:
and the similar output below in the Falcosidekick
and the similar output below in the falco-event-listener
You should also notice that a new commit is available in the desired-state-repository
as given below:
After the commit, Flux (version 2)
will detect the change and sync the current state of the cluster with the desired state in the GitHub repository so that Flux (version 2)
will terminate the alpine deployment pods.